Aamal Shab-e-Ashoor
1. Keep awake whole night and continue performing salat, majalis, noha and matam. 2. Recite Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain(a.s.) 3. Recite 4 Rakaat prayers in the following manner:
- In every rakat recite 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha and 50 times Sura-e-Ikhlas (Sura-e-Tawheed) - OR - - In the 1st Rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 10 times Ayat-al-Kursi - In the 2nd Rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 10 times Sura-e-Ikhlas - In the 3rd Rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 10 times Sura-e-Falaq - In the 4th Rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 10 times Sura-e-Naas.
[Note: According to "Mafateehul Jinnan" in every Rakay recite Ayat-al-Kursi, Sura-e-Ikhlas, Sura-e-Falaq and Sura-e-Naas 10 times each.]
4. After completing the prayer, recite 100 times Sura-e-Ikhlas
5. Recite Salawat and "Allahummal an qatalatal Hussainehi wa ashabeehi"
Notes: Sura-e-Fatiha - Alhamd-o-lillahe Rabbil Aalameen Sura-e-Ikhlas - Qul ho Allah ho Ahad Sura-e-Falaq - Qul aaoozo berab-bil falaq Sura-e-Nass - Qul aaoozo berab-bin naas Ayat-ul-Kursi - Allah-ho la ila ha illa ho al hay-yul qayyum
Aamal Roz-e-Ashoor
1. Observe faqa (abandon eating and drinking) without the intention of fasting.
2. Organize and attend majalis, Nohas and matam dari.
3. Recite 1000 times Sura-e-Ikhlas (Qul ho allah-ho ahad)
4. Recite 100 times - "Allahummal an qatalatal Hussaine wa ashabehi"
5. Recite 4 Rakat Namaz in 2 sets of 2 rakat each in the following manner:
- In the 1st rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 1 time Sura-e-Kafiroon - In the 2nd rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 1 time Sura-e-Ikhlas - In the 3rd rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 1 time Sura-e-Ahzaab (in the 21st para of the Holy Quran) - In the 4th rakat, 1 time Sura-e-Fatiha then 1 time Sura-e-Munafiqoon (in the 28th para of the Holy Quran)
If ones does not remember these suras by heart, one can recite them reading directly from the Holy Quran or can also recite any other Suras that one remembers by heart.
6. After completing this salat, recall the event of Karbala and the killers of Imam Hussain(a.s.) and 1000 times recite "Allahummal an qatalatal Hussaine wa ashabehi". (O Allah condemn and lay a curse upon the killers of Hussain(a.s.), his family and friends)
7. After this, go forward a few steps from where you are standing and the recite "Inna lillahe wa inna ilehe rajeoon- Rizan be qazaa-ehe wa tasleeman le amreh". Then come back to your place. Repeat this procedure 7 times. (Verily we are Allah’s and verily unto Him we return. We are hapy with His will and carry out His command)
8. Then go back to your place where you are standing and recite: ALLAAHUMMA A’D’D’IBIL FAJARATAL LAD’EENA SHAAQQOO RASOOLAKA WA H’AARABOO AWLIYAAA-IKA WA A’BADOO GHAYRAKA WAS-TAH’ALLOO MUH’AARAMAKA WAL-A’NIL QAADATA WAL ATBAA-A’ WA MAN KAANA MINHUM FA-KHABBAWA AWZ”A-A’MA-A’HUM AW RAZ”IYA BI-FIA’-LIHIM LAA’- NAN KATHEERAA ALLAAHUMMA WA A’JJIL FARAJA AALI MUH’AMMAD WAJ-A’L S’ALAWAATIKA A’LAYHI WA A’LAYHIM WAS-TANQID’HUM MIN AYDIL MUNAAFIQEENAL MUZ”ILLEENA WAL KAFARATIL JAAHI’IDEENA WAFTAH’ LAHUM FATH’AN YASEERAA WA ATIH’ LAHUM RAWH’AN WA FARAJAN QAREEBAA WAJ-A’L LAHUM MIN LADUNKA A’LAA A’DUWWIKA WA A’DUWWIHIM SUT’AANAN NAS’EERAA O Allah! Condemn and punish the licentious profligates who make the life of Thy Messenger miserable; and waged was against Thy close friends, and worshipped others, (but ) not Thee, deemed lawful (that which) Thou had forbidden, bring a curse upon their leaders, followers, on those who were in them , secretly or distinctly were hand in glove with them, or condoning their (mis) deeds. A great many curses. O my Allah, bid to bring joy and happiness quickly for “Aali Muhammad”, (the children of Muhammad), bestow Thy blessings on him and on them, save them from the dangerous clutches of the undercover two-timers, and the obstinate disbelievers; open ofr them the doors of “the beginning”, a facility to put in practice gentleness, kindness and fairplay; create favourable conditions for them to make life full of love and thought, cheerful, free of care, as early as possible, on Thy authority let them have full control over Thy enemies, to help, rescue and defend (mankind). 9. Then raise your hands, having in mind the enemies of “Aali Muhammad”, and say: ALLAAHUMMA INNA KATHEERAM MINAL UMMATI NAAS’ABATIL MUSTAH’FIZ’EENA MINAL A-IMMATI WA AFARAT BIL KALIMATI WA A’KAFAT A’LAL QAADATIZ’ Z’ALAMATI WA HAJARATIL ITAABA WAS SUNNAATA WA A’DALAT A’NIL H’ABLAYNIL LAD’EENA AMARTA BI-T’AA-A’TIHIMAA WAT TAMASSUKI BIHIMAA FA-AMAATATIL H’AQQA WA H’AAD’AT A’NIL QAS’DI WA MAA LA-ATIL AH’ZAABI WA H’ARRAFATIL KITAABA WA KAFARAT BIL H’AQQI LAMMAA JAA-AHAA WA TAMASSAKAT BIL BAAT’ILI LAMMAA AA’-TARAZ”AHAA WA Z”AYYA-A’T H’AQQAKA WA AZ”ALLAT KHALQAKA WA QATALAT AWLAADA NABIYYIKA WA KHIYARATA I’BAADIKA WA H’AMALATA I’LMIKA WA WARATHATA H’IKMATIKA WA WAH’EEKA ALLAAHUMA FA-ZALZIL AQDAAMA AA’-DAAA-IKA WA AA’-DAAA-I RASOOLIKA WA AHLI BAYTI RASOOLIKA ALLAAHUMMA WA AKHRIB DIYAARAHUM WAF-LUL SILAAH’AHUM WA KHAALIF BAYNA KALIMATIHIM WA FUTTA FEE AA’-Z”AADIHIM WA AWHIM KAYDAHUM WAZ”-RIBHUM BI-SAYFIKAR QAAT’I-I’ WAR-MIHIM BI-H’AJARIKAD DAAMIGHI WA T’UMMAHUM BI-BALAA-I T’AMMAA WA QUMMAHUM BIL-A’DAABI QAMMAA WA A’D’D’IBHUM A’D’AABAN NUKRAA WA KHUD’HUM BIS SINEENA WAL MUTHALAATIL LATEE AHLAKTA BIHAA AA’-DAA-AKA INNAKA D’OO NIQMATIM MINAL MUJRIMEEN ALLAAHUMA INNAA SUNNATAKA Z”AA-I-A’TUN WA AH’KAAMAKA MU-A’T’T’ALATUNWA I’TRATA NABIYYIKA FIL ARZ”I HAA-IMATUN ALLAAHUMMA FA-A-I’NIL H’AQQA WA AHLAHOO WA AQMI-I’LBAAT’ILA WA AHLAHOO WA MUNNA A’LAYNAA BIN-NAJAATI WAH-DINAA ILAL EEMAANI WA A’JJIL FARAJANAA WAN-Z”IMHU BI-FARAJI AWLIYAAA-IKA WAJ-A’LHUM LANAA WUDDAA WAJ-A’LNAA LAHUM WAFDAA ALLAAHUMMA WA AHLIKA MAN JA-A’LA YAWMA QATLIBNI NABIYYIKA WA KHIYARATIKA EEDA WA-TAHALLA BIHEE FARAJAN WA MARAH’AA WA KHUD’ AAKHIRAHUM KAMAA AKHAD’TA AWWALAHUM WA Z”AA-I’FI ALLAAHUMAL A’D’AABA WAT TANKEELA A’LAA Z’AALIMEE AHLI BAYTI NABIYYIKA WA AHLIKA ASHYAA-A’HUM WA QAADATAHUM WA ABRI H’UMAATAHUM WA JAMAA-A’TAHUM ALLAAHUMMA WA Z”AA-I’F S’ALAWAATIKA WA RAH’MATIKA WA BARAKAATIKA A’LAA I’TRATI NABIYYIKAL I’TRATIZ” Z”AA-I-A’TIL KHAAA-IFATIL MUSTAD’ALLATI BAQIYYATIM MINASH SHAJARATIT’T’AYYIBATIZ ZAAKIYATIL MUBAARAKATI WA AA’-LI ALLAAHUMMA KALIMATAHUM WA AFLIJ H’UJJATAHUM WA AFLIJ H’UJJATAHUM WAK-SHIFIL BALAAA-A WAL LAAWAA-A WA H’ANAADISAL ABAAT’EELI WAL –A’MAA A’NHUM WA THABBIT QULOOBA SHEE-A’TIHIM WA H’IZBIKA A’LAA T’AA-A’TIKA WA WILAAYAHIHUM WA NUS’RATIHIM WA MUWAALAATIHIM WA A-I’NHUM WAM-NAH’-HUMUS’S’ABRA A’LAL AD’AA FEEKA WAJ-A’LHUM AYYAAMAM MASH-HOODATAN WA AWQAATAM MAH’MOODATAM MAS-O’ODAH TOOSHIKU FEEHAA FARAJAHUM TOOJIBU FEEHAA TAMKEENAHUM WA NAS’RAHUM KAMAA Z”AMINTA LI-AWLIYAAA-IKA FEE KITAABIKAL MUNZAL FA-INNAKA QULTA WA QAWLUKAL H’AQQU WA-A’DALLAAHUL LAD’EENA AAMANOO MIN’KUM WA A’MILUS’S’AALIH’AATI LAYASTAKH-LIFANNAHUM FIL ARZ”I KAMASTAKH-LAFALLAD’EENA MIN’QABLIHIM: WA LA-YUMAKKINANNA LAHUM DEENAHUMULLAD’IR TAZ”AA LAHUM WA LAYUBADDI LANNAHUM MIM BAA’-DI KHAWFIHIM AMNAA: YAA’ BUDOONANEE LAA YUSHRIKOONA BEE SHAY-AA ALLAAHUMMA FAK-SHIP GHUMMATAHUM YAA MAL LAA YAMLIKU KASHFAZ”Z”URRI ILLAA HUW YAA WAAH’IDU YAA AH’ADU YAA H’AYYU YAA QAYYOOM WA ANAA YAA ILAAHEE A’BDUKAL KHAAA-IFU MINKA WAR –RAAJI-U’ ILAYKAS SAAA-ILU LAKA MUQBILU A’LAYKAL LAAJI-U ILAA FINAAA-IKAL A’ALIMU BI-ANNAHOO LAA MALJAA-A MINKA ILLAA ILAYKA ALLAAHUMMA FA-TAQABBAL DU-A’AA-EE WAS-MAA’-YAA ILAAHEE A’LAANIYATEE WA NAJWAAYA WAJ-A’LNEE MIM MAN RAZ”EETA A’MALAHOO WA QABILTA NUSUKAHOO WA NAJJAYTAHOO BI-RAH’MATIKA INNAKA ANTAL A’ZEEZUL KAREEM ALLAAHUMMA WA S’ALLI AWWALAN WA AAKHIRAN A’LAA MUH’AMMADIN’W WA AALI MUH’AMMAD WA BAARIK A’LAA MUH’AMMADIN’W WA AALI MUH’AMMAD WAR-H’AM NUH’AMMADIN’W WA AALI MUH’AMMAD BI-AKMALI WA AFZ”ALI MAA S’ALLAYTA WA BAARAKTA WA TARAH’H’AMTA A’LAA AMBIYAAA-IKA WA RUSULIKA WA MALAA-IKATIKA WA H’AMALATI A’RSHIKA BILAAA-I ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA ALLAAHUMMA LAA TUFARRIQ BAYNEE WA BAYNA MUH’AMMADIN’W WA AALI MUH’AMMAD S’ALAWAATUKA A’LAYHI WA A’LAYHIM WAJ-A’LNEE YAA MAWLAAYA MIN SHEE-A’TI MUH’AMMADIN WA A’LIYYIN WA FAAT’IMATA WAL H’ASANI WAL H’USAYN WA D’URIIYAATIHIMIT’ T’AAHIRATIL MUNTAJABAH WA HAB LIYAT TAMASSUKA BI-H’ABLIHIM WAR-RIZ”AA BI-SABEELIHIM WAL-AKHD’A BI-T’AREEQATIHIM INNAKA JAWWAADUN KAREEM (Now go into prostration (Sajdah), keep either side of your face on the earth, one after the other, and say): YAA MAN YAH’KUMU MAA YASHAAA-U WA YAF-A’LU MAA YUREEDU ANTA H’AKAMTA FALAKAL H’AMDU MAH’MOODAN MASHKOORAA FA-A’JJIL YAA MAWLAAYA FARAJAHUM WA FARAJANAA BIHIM FA-INNAKA Z”AMINTA IA’-ZAAZAHUM BAA’-DA’D’ILLATI WA TAKTHEERAHUM BAA’-DAL QILLATI WA IZ’HAARAHUM BAA’-DAL KHUMOOL YAA AS’DAQAS’ S’AADIQEEN WA YAA ARH’AMAR RAAH’IMEEN FA-AS-ALUKA YAA ILAAHEE WA SAYYIDEE MUTAZ”ARRI-A’N ILAYKA BI-JOODIKA WA KARAMIKA BAST’A AMALEE WAT TAJAAWUZA A’NNEE WA QABOOLA QALEELI A’MALEE WA KATHEERIHEE WAZ ZIYAADAT FEE AYYAAMEE WA TABLEEGHEE D’AALIKAL MASH-HAD WA AN TAJ-A’LANEE MIMMAN YUD-A’A FA –YUJEEBU ILAA T’AA-A’TIHIM WA MAWAALAATIHIM WA NAS’RIHIM WA TURIYANEE D’AALIKA QAREEBAN SAREE-A’N FEE A’AFIYATIN INNAKA A’LAA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER (raise your head, look towards the sky and say): A-O’OD’U BIKA AN AKOONA MINALLAD’EENA LAA YARJOONA AYYAAMAKA FA-A-I’D’NEE YAA ILAAHEE BI-RAH’MATIKA MIN D’AALIKA O my Allah! Indeed a great many among the people declared war, laid traps and intrigued against the careful and gentle guardians who observed and fulfilled the duty. The ungratefuls (the said opponents) renounced the faith and did not, in fact, believe in the “Kalimah” (LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAH); attached themselves to the trend setters of disorder and tyranny; disowned and gave up the Book and the (Divine) rule of life; swerved from and angled off the two strings which according to Thy commandment, (they) should have held fast and stuck close by; undermined and twisted the truth; Went, away from the real purpose, in the opposite direction ; encouraged partisanship; Altered and falsified the Book; refused to believe in the evident proof and rightful clain, whenever confronted face to face; chose falsehood, whenever came across; lost their way and corrupted Thy laws, Islam; led people astray; killed the children of Thy Prophet, Thy liberal highminded servances, bearers of Thy knowledge, inheritors of Thy wisdom and revelation, the Book. O myAllah, pset and overturn the plan and movement of Thy enemies, (who are also) the enemies of Thy Messenger and the children of Thy Messenger. O my Allah, put a stop to the spread of their sphere of influence; make their equipment and men unserviceable, their expression confused and contradictory; brak up their support; crack up their stategy; lay hold upon them, hit and cut off by Thy one sharp strike; throw them down, frightened by Thy hard unnerving barrier, bury them under the swallowing mud of disasters; let them be mean and contemptible under the yoke of despise-able penance; bring them to book and let them have the taste of a hard and sharp retribution; fester them with definite and exemplary punishment, as Thou wipes out Thy enemies; it is beyond the shadow of doubt that Thou cracks down upon the criminals. O my Allah, the way of life approved by Thee has been tossed aside; Thy code of law has been suspended; and the descendents of the Prophet, in this world, had been tormented. O my Allah, Therefore give all Thy attention and care to signify truth, and the upholders of truth; restrain and prevent falsehood, and the camp-followers of false-hood, and take us to safety as a favour; guide us to true faith; make available for us, as soon as possible, happiness and bliss, bring everything in to good order through the inspiring presence of Thy representatives; make us desire and love them , make them receive us with open arms. O my Allah, bring to nothing those who celebrate the day the choicest (grand) son of Thy Prophet was martyred, in cheerful amusement; laugh and enjoy in utter delight and indulge in wanton bois-terous merriment; catch hold of and punish each one of the remaining, just as Thou cracked down on the early (culprits); make twoce as muchthe penalty, O my Allah, and punishment, a warning example, (while convicting0 the tyrants who took liberties with and abused the children of Thy Prophet; give the eath blow to their henchmen, put an en to their headmen, wipe out their patrons and their groups altogether. O my Allah, multiply Thy blessings generously, Thy mercy liberally, Thy favours like a windfall, (thou bestows) upon the children of Thy Prophet, who Thy enemies tried to ignore, frighten and corner, the children who are the blooming pride of the fragrant strongly grown and fertile tree. Let people subscribe to and uphold, O my Allah, their expressed refined (thoughts), and get the better of the antagonists in debate and disputations through their arguments, put the dark clouds of trouble, distress nothingness and ignorance, to flight, through (on account of) them, make firm and strong the hearts and minds of their followers (to know things for certain and give correct answers), to belong to Thy party, obedient to Thee; to love them; to support them ; stand by them, signify them; they exercised self-control whenever they put up with damage and injury in Thy cause; bring in, for them, the days, people will see them and find them among themselves to pronounce the profession of true faith, a blissful and happy time; Be quick in providing relief and joy, after a long period of suffering (to them and us), on account of their presence; bring on their worthy, decent and refined sphere of influence; and support them as Thou has given a guarantee in this connection in Thy revealed Book; Thou said, (and Thy words are always true): Allah has promised such of you as believe and do good deed that He will surely appoint them successors in the earth, as He appointed successors those before them, and that He will surely establish for them Their religion which He has chosen for them, and surely He will give them inexchange safety after their fear. Thy (shall) ascribe nothing as partner unto Me. O my Allah! Therefore disperse the dark clouds hanging over them, no one has power to keep safe from pair and distress save He, O Unique ! O Single ! O Everliving ! O Self-subsisting! I, O my Allah, Thy bondman, cautions and (always) aware of Thy just requital, turn to Thee with a request, standing before Thee, to seek the favour of taking refuge with Thee, in Thy courtyard, fully aware of the fact that there is no way to run away from Thee except unto Thee. O my Allah, accede to my request, take notice of my positive statement and heartfelt secret avowal, O my Allah, and let me be the one whose conduct satisfies Thee, (whose) pious life devoted to Thee receives Thy approval, (whom) Thou brings to a place of safety through Thy mercy; verily Thou art rare, dear and beloved (because of ) Thy kindness. O my Allah, send blessings, in the beginning and at the end, on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad; keep at peace at all times, Muhammad and the children of Muhammad, let Thy love and tenderness always envelop Muhammad and the children of Muhammad, more thoroughly and decisively than Thou had blessed, kept at peace and loved Thy Prophets, Messengers, Angels and the bearers of Thy Arsh, in the name of and for the sake of “LAA ILAAHA ILLAA ANTA”. O my Allah, let there be no separation (ever) between me and Muhammad and the children of Muhammad, Thy blessings be on him and them; let me be one among the friends and followers of Muhammad, Ali, Faatimah, Hasan aned Husayn, and their pure and select descendants; give me the insight to cling to their friendship, and be always ready to walk with them, and make use of their life style; Verily Thou art liberal, Generous and Kind, (Now go into prostration (Sajdah), keep either side of your face on the earth, one after the other, and say): O He who decrees that which He wills, does that which He wants. It is Thou who possesses and exercises absolute power; therefore (all) praise is for Thee (only); (Thou alone art) the praiseworthy, the thankworthy. O my Master, let them have a life full of love and peace, and let us share the harmony and bliss with them, because Thou has given a guarantee to put them on the highest pedestal of love, honour and wisdom, after the severest trial and tribulation, to do too much for them , exceeding all bounds, after they had put up with the worldly minimum (in Thy cause), to make them distinct and evident after (Thy enemies) kept them in obscurity, O the Most Truthful ! O the Most Merciful! I beseech Thee, O my Lord, and Master, humble and weak before Thee, to throw wide open doors of Thy generosity and kindness to let my hope (of fulfillment of heart’s desires)come true, and get and ather what I want in surplus; and make valid my deeds, whether insignificant looking or weighty, prolong my days until I am satisfied with being an eye-witness, and give testimony, and be among those who are called upon, so run to obey them, love them and support them (the descendents of the Holy Prophet); Make me see that very soon, close at hand, in good health sund mind and with believing heart. Verily Thou art able to do all things (raise your head, look towards the sky and say ): in Thee do I seek refuge that I should be among those who hope not for Thy “Days”, so make me full well and be there, O my Master, through Thy mercy, in that time.
10. Recite Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain(a.s.) and then Ziarat-e-Ashoora (1st method) or Ziarat-e-Ashoora (2nd method)
11. Finally recite Ziarat-e-Nahiya.
12. Give pursa of Imam Hussain(a.s.) to other momineen in these words: Aazamallahu ujoorana bi-musabina bil Hussain(a.s.) wa ja-alna wa iyyakum milat talibeena bi-sarihi ma-aa walee-yehil imamil mahdi(a.s.) min aali muhammadin alehimus salam
8. Recite Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain(a.s.) and then Ziarat-e-Ashoora (1st method) or Ziarat-e-Ashoora (2nd method)
9. Recite Ziarat-e-Nahiya
10. Recite Salawat and "Allahummal an qatalatal Hussainehi wa ashabeehi"
11. Give pursa of Imam Hussain(a.s.) to other momineen in these words: Aazamallahu ujoorana bi-musabina bil Hussain(a.s.) wa ja-alna wa iyyakum milat talibeena bi-sarihi ma-aa walee-yehil imamil mahdi(a.s.) min aali muhammadin alehimus salam
