🔹 *Verse 26*
Imam Sadiq (AS), _‘These Words from Allah, the Blessed the Exalted, are a refutation against the one who claims that Allah, the Blessed the Exalted, causes the servants to go stray and them punishes them for their straying.'_
📚Tafsir Qumi, 1:34
🔹 *Verse 27*
One of the examples of “severing what Allah has commanded to be joined” is cutting ties with the relatives as mentioned in hadiths. It’s so evil that even socializing with a person having this vice has bad consequences and Imam Sajjad (AS) has stated,
_Beware of accompanying the one who severs the ties of kinship, for I have found him to be cursed in the Book of Allah, the most blessed the most exalted, in three places._
1. Surah Muhammad, V. 23
2. Surah Ra’d, V. 24
3. Baqarah, V. 24 (on this page)
📚Al-Kafi, 2:377
Although, we may not be able to visit our relatives in person these days, we should try to keep in touch with them one way or another (e.g. by calling, texting, etc.) so that we won’t be among people mentioned in the above Hadith.