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"Short biography of Imam Mehdi a.s the 12th Imam ajf "

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (aj) is the twelfth and last of the chain of the Purified Imams (as) and the perfect successors. He was conceived at the season of first light, on Friday the fifteenth of Shaban 255 A.H. in the city of Samarrah.

His regarded father is Imam Hasan al-Askari (as). His adored mother is Janab al-Nargis Khatoon (ra). She was the relative of the Caesar of Rome from her dad's side and from her mom's side she had dropped from shamoon the vicegerant of Hazrat Isa (as).

This magnified identity has a similar name and kunniyat (agnomen) as the Holy Prophet (S). His titles are Mahdi, Hujjat, Qaem, Montazer, Sahibuzzaman and Khalaf al-saleh. His most well known honourific anyway is Al-Mahdi (aj).

Ibn Khallikaan states; "His notable title is Hujjat. The shias know him by the titles, Montazar, Qaem and Mahdi"

The immense researcher Mohaddith al-Noori has gathered 182 titles of Imam Mahdi (aj) from the Islamic writings. Every one of these titles mean every one of his prudent qualities.

The dictator Abbasid rulers knew about the predictions of the Holy Prophet (S). That the child of Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) by the name of Mahdi will seem to expel a wide range of debasement and oppression; subsequently they intended to wipe out the tyke when he is bom. Because of this the introduction of Imam Mahdi (aj) was kept a mystery like that of Hazrat Ibrahim (as). To such an extent that with the exception of the most trusted of the shias and his own particular family, nobody knew about the presence of Hazrat (as). Notwithstanding this at whatever point there was an opportunity, Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) demonstrated his child to his reliable adherents; that in future they may tail him. This was all together that the shias may stay firm upon the correct way, and not be driven adrift. A hireling Abu Ghanim says:

"Abu Muhammad (as) has a child whose name is Muhammad." On the third day of his introduction to the world he brought him before his friends and stated:

"After me he is your Master of the undertaking, he is my successor, he is the same 'Qaem', who is anticipated by alt When the earth will be laden with foul play and persecution then he will return and fill the earth with equity and righteousness."

The early long stretches of his life were spent in the typical way. When he was in his fifth year, he lost his regarded father.

After this sad occasion the obligation of directing the shias was exchanged upon him. As of now, Hazrat (as) had every one of the characteristics and the heavenly information that was offered to the past Imams (as), by the Almighty. Similarly as Hazrat Yahya (as) in his youth and Hazrat Isa (as) in his early stages was favored with the perfect office of Prophethood by Allah.

Albeit every one of the Imams (as) were holding the awesome office of wilayat, the endeavors of the foes to dispense with the twelfth Imam (as) were most extreme. Henceforth Imam az-Zaman (as) was endowed to ghaibat and being far from seeing individuals, he needed to satisfy every one of the obligations of an Imam.

It is said that the covered existence of Hazrat Mahdi (aj) isn't something remarkable. Or maybe, in the life of such a significant number of Prophets (as) and even Imams (as) it is observed, that they were sooner or later, in camouflage from the general population. The Holy Quran records the camouflage of different prophets (as) like Hazrat Ibrahim (as)9, Hazrat Musa (as)10 and Hazrat Isa (as).

The Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams (as) had indicated out the general population the approaching occultation of their last evidence (Imam Mahdi-aj), with the goal that no uncertainty or misconception ought to remain, in regards to this issue.

The occultation (Ghaibat) of the twelfth Imam comprises of two stages: one is Ghaibat al-Sughra (The lesser occultation) and the second is Ghaibat al-Kubra (The more prominent occultation). Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (as) stated:

'There are two occultations for Qaem. One is short and the other delayed. In the short occultation just the exceptional shias will know about his whereabouts. Also, in the more drawn out occultation just his reliable workers will know where he is"

As indicated by the outstanding reports, the lesser occultation (ghaibat al-sugra) initiated from the time of his Imamat in 260 A.H and proceeded for a long time. A portion of the researchers like Shaykh Mufeed and Syed Mohsin Amin Amili keep up that ghaibat al-sugra started ideal from the season of his birth.

Since, even in those early years, Hazrat (aj) was disguised from the everyday citizens. As per this technique, the time of ghaibat al-sugra comes to seventy four years.

Amid the time of ghaibat al-sugra. Imam Mahdi (aj) himself delegated his agents from among the honest shias. Four of them succeeded each other and kept on satisfying the obligation of middle people. These four identities passed on the inquiries and issues to Imam (aj) and brought back the Imam's (aj) answers for the general population. The first of these appointees was Janab Abu Amroo Usman Bin Saeed Amri. Prior to this he was a delegate of Imam Hasan al Askari (as)14

Shaykh Tusi states: "On the fortieth day the shias were sitting in the organization of Imam Hasan al-Askari (as), when Imam Askari (as) longed that they perceive his Hujyat after him..... All of a sudden a nice looking tyke was brought before them. He looked like Abu Muhammad (as).

At that point Imam al-Askari (as) stated: "He is your Imam after me. Also, my successor upon you. Obey him, and don't go off to some far away place after me (after my passing), generally your religion will be demolished and you will be obliterated. Realize that, after today you will not see him, regardless of whether you consume your entire time on earth for it. Thus, acknowledge what Usman lets you know, comply with his charges and tune in to what he says. Since he is the agent of your Imam and holds the responsibility.15

After the passing of Usman canister Saeed, his devout child, Muhammad container Usman succeeded his dad upon the post of the deputyship of Imam az-Zaman (aj).16

Shaikh Tusi has recorded the letters sent by Imam Hasan al Askari (as) and Imam Mahdi (aj) to Usman container Saeed and his child Abu Jafar Muhammad ibne Usman for the shias. These letters comprises of summons, restrictions and answers to the inquiries of the shias.17

Muhammad ibne Usman passed far from this world toward the finish of Jamadi-ul-Awwal in the year 304 or 305 A.H.18

Amid the season of his ailment, as he laid on the wiped out bed, the shias and their youngsters came and encompassed him. They asked: "If something happens, whom should we counsel rather than you?" He replied, "This Abul Qasim Husayn ibn Ruh ibne Bahr Nawbakhti is successor. Also, he is the mediator amongst you and the Master issue (Imam Mahdi-aj), and his operator. He is dependable and solid. Counsel him, and if there should be an occurrence of vital issues, depend upon him. I have been requested to report this, and I have declared it"19

Husain Ibn Ruh Nawbakhti was. one of the specialists of Muhammad ibn Usman in Baghdad. He had been working intimately with him for quite a while. These operators used to be in contact with the general population and when requested they gave over the products to them20. Husayn ibn Ruh passed on in Shaban 326 A.H21

The last safir was Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Seymoori. He turned into the agent of Imam Mahdi (aj) as per the will of Husain ibn Ruh. He kicked the bucket following three years on the fifteenth of Shaban 329 A.H.22

The graves (tombs) of these four regarded agents (Nawwab al - Arba, as they are ordinarily known) are arranged in Baghdad.23

The most delicate and critical time of ghaibat al-sugra was when Ali Ibn Mohammad kicked the bucket. Since till his demise the general population were is contact with Imam az-Zaman (aj) through him. After his passing, it was the beginning of Ghaibat al-Kubra.

Six days before his demise, Ali ibn Muhammad Seymoori got a correspondence from Imam az-Zaman (aj):

" be readied, yet designate nobody in your place, on the grounds that from the day of your passing, the time of my real occupation (Gaibatui Kubra) will start. From this time forward, nobody will see me, except if and until the point when Allah influences me to show up. My return will occur after quite a while, when the world will be brimming with shamefulness and violence".24

At last, the sparkling sun of the perfect confirmation went behind the blind of Ghaibat, totally. What's more, the time of correspondence with Hazrat (through Nawab al-Arba) arrived at an end. Despite this (his Ghaibat) Hazrat Mahdi (aj) is the Imam of the time and Imam of the world. He is the Divine Proof. Despite the fact that his individual might be avoided our eyes however his orders are clear.

Amirul Momineen Ali (as) declared from his lectern at Kufa: "Regardless of whether the individual of the Divine Proof is covered up while he directs the general population, his insight and conduct will be clear for them to follow"25

Obviously the learning and routine with regards to Imam Asr (as) is immaculate like the Quran. Similar to the sunnat of the Holy Prophet (S). It is compulsory for the general population of confidence (muslims) to follow up on the Quran and sunnat, and to avoid what they disallow. The Holy Prophet (S) stated:

"I abandon two profound things among you: The Book of Allah and my Progeny, my Ahlul Bayt If you hold fast to those two you will not go off to some far away place. What's more, realize that these two will not separate till they meet me at Hauz (Kauthar)"26

Amid the time of Ghaibat al-Kubra, when it isn't conceivable to set up correspondence with Imam az-Zaman (as) voluntarily, the general population have been requested to take after the genuine lessons of the Quran and Ahlul Bayt (as) through the devout and religious researchers and the fair legal scholars. The general population must tail them to recognize what commitments they should satisfy.

Imam as-Sadiq (as):

"Furthermore, among law specialists (Fuqaha) are the individuals who secure their selves (from sins) watch their religion, oppose their fleshly wants and are respectful to their lord. It is officeholder upon the general population to tail them. Such qualities are discovered just in a couple of them (Shias) and not all"27.

The law specialists issue orders for the general population and disclose to them truth about confidence. They try to satisfy the lifted up obligation of setting up the reason for the return of their lord, Hazrat Mahdi (aj). So that by the happening to Hazrat (as) the Islamic confidence may reinforce and that he may fill the earth with equity and value.

Ibn Khallikaan states; "His notable title is Hujjat. The shias know him by the titles, Montazar, Qaem and Mahdi"4 The immense researcher Mohaddith al-Noori has gathered 182 titles of Imam Mahdi (aj) from the Islamic writings. Every one of these titles mean every one of his prudent qualities.5 The dictator Abbasid rulers knew about the predictions of the Holy Prophet (S). That the child of Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) by the name of Mahdi will seem to expel a wide range of debasement and oppression; subsequently they intended to wipe out the tyke when he is bom. Because of this the introduction of Imam Mahdi (aj) was kept a mystery like that of Hazrat Ibrahim (as). To such an extent that with the exception of the most trusted of the shias and his own particular family, nobody knew about the presence of Hazrat (as). Notwithstanding this at whatever point there was an opportunity, Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) demonstrated his child to his reliable adherents; that in future they may tail him. This was all together that the shias may stay firm upon the correct way, and not be driven adrift. A hireling Abu Ghanim says: "Abu Muhammad (as) has a child whose name is Muhammad." On the third day of his introduction to the world he brought him before his friends and stated: "After me he is your Master of the undertaking, he is my successor, he is the same 'Qaem', who is anticipated by alt When the earth will be laden with foul play and persecution then he will return and fill the earth with equity and righteousness."6 The early long stretches of his life were spent in the typical way. When he was in his fifth year, he lost his regarded father.7 After this sad occasion the obligation of directing the shias was exchanged upon him. As of now, Hazrat (as) had every one of the characteristics and the heavenly information that was offered to the past Imams (as), by the Almighty. Similarly as Hazrat Yahya (as) in his youth and Hazrat Isa (as) in his early stages was favored with the perfect office of Prophethood by Allah.8 Albeit every one of the Imams (as) were holding the awesome office of wilayat, the endeavors of the foes to dispense with the twelfth Imam (as) were most extreme. Henceforth Imam az-Zaman (as) was endowed to ghaibat and being far from seeing individuals, he needed to satisfy every one of the obligations of an Imam. It is said that the covered existence of Hazrat Mahdi (aj) isn't something remarkable. Or maybe, in the life of such a significant number of Prophets (as) and even Imams (as) it is observed, that they were sooner or later, in camouflage from the general population. The Holy Quran records the camouflage of different prophets (as) like Hazrat Ibrahim (as)9, Hazrat Musa (as)10 and Hazrat Isa (as)11. The Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams (as) had indicated out the general population the approaching occultation of their last evidence (Imam Mahdi-aj), with the goal that no uncertainty or misconception ought to remain, in regards to this issue. The occultation (Ghaibat) of the twelfth Imam comprises of two stages: one is Ghaibat al-Sughra (The lesser occultation) and the second is Ghaibat al-Kubra (The more prominent occultation). Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (as) stated: 'There are two occultations for Qaem. One is short and the other delayed. In the short occultation just the exceptional shias will know about his whereabouts. Also, in the more drawn out occultation just his reliable workers will know where he is"12 As indicated by the outstanding reports, the lesser occultation (ghaibat al-sugra) initiated from the time of his Imamat in 260 A.H and proceeded for a long time. A portion of the researchers like Shaykh Mufeed and Syed Mohsin Amin Amili keep up that ghaibat al-sugra started ideal from the season of his birth.13 Since, even in those early years, Hazrat (aj) was disguised from the everyday citizens. As per this technique, the time of ghaibat al-sugra comes to seventy four years. Amid the time of ghaibat al-sugra. Imam Mahdi (aj) himself delegated his agents from among the honest shias. Four of them succeeded each other and kept on satisfying the obligation of middle people. These four identities passed on the inquiries and issues to Imam (aj) and brought back the Imam's (aj) answers for the general population. The first of these appointees was Janab Abu Amroo Usman Bin Saeed Amri. Prior to this he was a delegate of Imam Hasan al Askari (as)14 Shaykh Tusi states: "On the fortieth day the shias were sitting in the organization of Imam Hasan al-Askari (as), when Imam Askari (as) longed that they perceive his Hujyat after him..... All of a sudden a nice looking tyke was brought before them. He looked like Abu Muhammad (as). At that point Imam al-Askari (as) stated: "He is your Imam after me. Also, my successor upon you. Obey him, and don't go off to some far away place after me (after my passing), generally your religion will be demolished and you will be obliterated. Realize that, after today you will not see him, regardless of whether you consume your entire time on earth for it. Thus, acknowledge what Usman lets you know, comply with his charges and tune in to what he says. Since he is the agent of your Imam and holds the responsibility.15 After the passing of Usman canister Saeed, his devout child, Muhammad container Usman succeeded his dad upon the post of the deputyship of Imam az-Zaman (aj).16 Shaikh Tusi has recorded the letters sent by Imam Hasan al Askari (as) and Imam Mahdi (aj) to Usman container Saeed and his child Abu Jafar Muhammad ibne Usman for the shias. These letters comprises of summons, restrictions and answers to the inquiries of the shias.17 Muhammad ibne Usman passed far from this world toward the finish of Jamadi-ul-Awwal in the year 304 or 305 A.H.18 Amid the season of his ailment, as he laid on the wiped out bed, the shias and their youngsters came and encompassed him. They asked: "If something happens, whom should we counsel rather than you?" He replied, "This Abul Qasim Husayn ibn Ruh ibne Bahr Nawbakhti is successor. Also, he is the mediator amongst you and the Master issue (Imam Mahdi-aj), and his operator. He is dependable and solid. Counsel him, and if there should be an occurrence of vital issues, depend upon him. I have been requested to report this, and I have declared it"19 Husain Ibn Ruh Nawbakhti was. one of the specialists of Muhammad ibn Usman in Baghdad. He had been working intimately with him for quite a while. These operators used to be in contact with the general population and when requested they gave over the products to them20. Husayn ibn Ruh passed on in Shaban 326 A.H21 The last safir was Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Seymoori. He turned into the agent of Imam Mahdi (aj) as per the will of Husain ibn Ruh. He kicked the bucket following three years on the fifteenth of Shaban 329 A.H.22 The graves (tombs) of these four regarded agents (Nawwab al - Arba, as they are ordinarily known) are arranged in Baghdad.23 The most delicate and critical time of ghaibat al-sugra was when Ali Ibn Mohammad kicked the bucket. Since till his demise the general population were is contact with Imam az-Zaman (aj) through him. After his passing, it was the beginning of Ghaibat al-Kubra. Six days before his demise, Ali ibn Muhammad Seymoori got a correspondence from Imam az-Zaman (aj): " be readied, yet designate nobody in your place, on the grounds that from the day of your passing, the time of my real occupation (Gaibatui Kubra) will start. From this time forward, nobody will see me, except if and until the point when Allah influences me to show up. My return will occur after quite a while, when the world will be brimming with shamefulness and violence".24 At last, the sparkling sun of the perfect confirmation went behind the blind of Ghaibat, totally. What's more, the time of correspondence with Hazrat (through Nawab al-Arba) arrived at an end. Despite this (his Ghaibat) Hazrat Mahdi (aj) is the Imam of the time and Imam of the world. He is the Divine Proof. Despite the fact that his individual might be avoided our eyes however his orders are clear. Amirul Momineen Ali (as) declared from his lectern at Kufa: "Regardless of whether the individual of the Divine Proof is covered up while he directs the general population, his insight and conduct will be clear for them to follow"25 Obviously the learning and routine with regards to Imam Asr (as) is immaculate like the Quran. Similar to the sunnat of the Holy Prophet (S). It is compulsory for the general population of confidence (muslims) to follow up on the Quran and sunnat, and to avoid what they disallow. The Holy Prophet (S) stated: "I abandon two profound things among you: The Book of Allah and my Progeny, my Ahlul Bayt If you hold fast to those two you will not go off to some far away place. What's more, realize that these two will not separate till they meet me at Hauz (Kauthar)"26 Amid the time of Ghaibat al-Kubra, when it isn't conceivable to set up correspondence with Imam az-Zaman (as) voluntarily, the general population have been requested to take after the genuine lessons of the Quran and Ahlul Bayt (as) through the devout and religious researchers and the fair legal scholars. The general population must tail them to recognize what commitments they should satisfy. Imam as-Sadiq (as): "Furthermore, among law specialists (Fuqaha) are the individuals who secure their selves (from sins) watch their religion, oppose their fleshly wants and are respectful to their lord. It is officeholder upon the general population to tail them. Such qualities are discovered just in a couple of them (Shias) and not all".

The law specialists issue orders for the general population and disclose to them truth about confidence. They try to satisfy the lifted up obligation of setting up the reason for the return of their lord, Hazrat Mahdi (aj). So that by the happening to Hazrat (as) the Islamic confidence may reinforce and that he may fill the earth with equity and value..

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